新浪教育 外语

学会各种教育程度英文表达 提高简历质量



(来源:沪江英语)When you apply for a job at a larger firm, there's a high chance that your resume will be scanned by a filtering software for words related to certain job vacancies。


This kind of automation process will also reject your resume if it doesn't "meet traditional, business-dictated document formatting," writes Rick Gillis in his book "Job!: Learn How to Find Your Next Job In 1 Day."

假如你的简历“不符合传统的,商务性文件格式”的话,这种自动程序也会没法识别你的简历。Rick Gillis在他的《工作!:如何在1天内为你找到新工作》一书里这么写道。

Here are some formatting rules that Gillis says job seekers should follow to create a filtering software-friendly resume: 以下是一些Gillis认为求职者应该遵从的格式规则,按照这些规则制作的简历能够很好地适应那些过滤软件。

1.Do not place your contact information in the header of your resume, because filtering softwares can be set to ignore headers and footers so there is a risk this information will be deleted。


2.Choose a conservative font such as Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, or Calibri. Gillis says that serif fonts, such as Times Roman or Cambria may be rejected by screening software。

2.选一种保守的字体,比如Verdana,Arial,Tahoma或者Calibri。Gills说诸如Times Roman或者Cambria这样的衬线字体将无法被扫描软件识别。

3.Do not use any script fonts。


4.The smallest font size to use for the body of your resume should be 11 point. "Any smaller and you're probably asking for trouble."


5.No graphics or logos。


6.Do not format using tables。


7.No borders。


8.A one-inch margin top and bottom is best。


9.Do not use any lines that cross the entire page from margin to margin, because some filters have been created that will reject a document for nothing more than having a single line run continuously across the page。



education 学历

educational history 学历

educational background 教育程度

curriculum 课程

major 主修

minor 副修

educational highlights 课程重点部分

curriculum included 课程包括

specialized courses 专门课程

courses taken 所学课程

special training 特别训练

social practice 社会实践

part-time jobs 业余工作

summer jobs 暑期工作

vacation jobs 假期工作

refresher course 进修课程

extracurricular activities 课外活动

physical activities 体育活动

recreational activities 娱乐活动

academic activities 学术活动

social activities 社会活动

rewards 奖励

scholarship 奖学金

excellent League member 优秀团员

excellent leader 优秀干部

student council 学生会

off-job training 脱产培训

in-job training 在职培训

educational system 学制

academic year 学年

semester 学期(美)

term 学期(英)

supervisor 论文导师

pass 及格

fail 不及格

marks 分数

examination 考试

degree 学位

post doctorate 博士后

doctor(Ph.D) 博士

master 硕士

bachelor 学士

graduate student 研究生

abroad student 留学生

undergraduate 大学肆业生

government-supported student 公费生

commoner 自费生

extern 走读生

intern 实习生

prize fellow 奖学金生

boarder 寄宿生

graduate 毕业生

guest student 旁听生(英)

auditor 旁听生(美)

day-student 走读生
