新浪教育 外语





小编导读:英国BBC最新的阶级调查出炉,如图从左到右7大阶层依次为精英群体(Elite),传统中产阶级(Established Middle)、技术型中产阶级(Technical Middle)、新型有富余的工作者(New Affluent)、传统工人阶级(Traditional Working)、新兴服务业工作者(Emergent Services)和不稳定型无产者(Precariat)。

The new classification was produced by Professor Mike Savage of the London School of Economics to update the widely used market research system developed more than 50 years ago.


The table shows that the boundaries between classes have become blurred.


The top of the tree, the elites amount to 6 per cent of the population. They were largely educated at old and prestigious universities, hold professional or highly paid jobs, live in London and the South-East, and like high culture.


But behind them the middle class, or those with incomes that put them alongside the traditional middle classes, have swelled to almost half of the population.


25 per cent of the population are ‘established middle class’, often holding jobs in councils or other public services. They like highbrow culture but also have time for pop music, and they live in the suburbs。 They are on social terms with some members of the elite.


Alongside them in the middle ground are a ‘technical middle class’, many working in scientific or medical jobs, and whose ranks include workers who require high skills and training, such as pilots. They have incomes over £37,000 and also live in the suburbs, making up 6 per cent of the populace.


The ‘new affluent workers’, with incomes well above the national average at more than £29,000, work in retail or sales, or in skilled trades.


At the end of the scale is the newly named ‘precariat’, so called because they depend on insecure jobs or state benefits. The precariat makes up 15 per cent of the population.

