老外票选最爱表情包TOP10 猜哪个排第一?(双语)


The latest go-to emoji is the ‘face with the rolling eyes’, which is used in 14 per cent of text messages, a study found。
These findings come from the emoji keyboard app, EmojiXpress, which gathered a sample size of 30 million emojis sent from its keyboard。
The second most common emoji was the long awaited ‘middle finger’, the ‘heavy heart exclamation mark ornament’ came in seventh and the rainbow horned unicorn is the 10th most commonly used。
Although the ‘rolling eyes’ emoji topped the charts in the EmojiXpress app, other platforms have their own popular ideographs。
For example, the most commonly used character on Instagram is the ‘red heart’, which is shared 79 percent more than any other emoji。
And the ‘face with tears of joy’ is number one among Twitter users, followed by the ‘smiling face with heart-shape eyes’ and ‘loudly crying face’。
1。 ‘Face with rolling eyes’- 14%
2。 ‘Reversed hand with middle finger extended’- 9%
3。 ‘Thinking face’- 8%
4。 ‘Upside-down face’- 7%
5。 ‘Nerd face’- 7%
6。 ‘Hugging face’- 6%
7。 ‘Heavy heart exclamation mark ornament’-5%
8。 ‘White frowning face’- 4%
9。 ‘Slightly frowning face’- 4%
10。 ‘Unicorn face’- 3%