新浪教育 考研






36。 The financial problem with the USPS is caused partly by ______。


Fundamentally, the USPS is in a historic squeeze between technological change that has permanently decreased demand for its bread-and-butter product, first-class mail, and a regulatory structure that denies management the flexibility to adjust its operations to the new reality。 [39 words]

这句话的主人公为the USPS ,属性词为in a historic squeeze,这个squeeze可以理解为“狭缝中”,后面具体解释这个squeeze,between __1___ and ___2__。所以原因就在这两个内容当中。前者中心词是technological change,后者中心词是regulatory structure,所以答案就在这两者之间,锁定答案BC。

C选项的technical upgrading对应technological change,但是cost在that从句中未有提及。

B选项的rigid management对应就是后面that从句中的denies [management] [the flexibility],deny后面接双宾语,deny flexibility,缺乏灵活性就是rigid[僵化的]。

另外37。 According to Paragraph 2, the USPS fails to modernize itself due to ______


And interest groups ranging from postal unions to greeting-card makers exert self-interested pressure on the USPS’s ultimate overseer — Congress—insisting that whatever else happens to the Postal Service, aspects of the status quo they depend on get protected。 [36 words]

这句话的主人公为interest groups,属性词为exert pressure,所以要选的答案应该以interest groups为中心词,所以可以预判A选项更合适。而A选项中的interference也和该句中的属性词exert pressure,给与压力属于同意改写。

该句中的ranging from postal unions to greeting-card makers属于分词做后置定语修饰前面的interest groups,其中涉及了D选项的中心词,但是相比A就片面了。

该句中后半段涉及的破折号解释overseer,也涉及B选项的中心词Congress,而后面的insisting that分词修饰overseer,涉及C选项的中心词postal service。但是都不属于本句主人公。

另外38.The long-standing complaint by the USPS and its unions can be addressed by


The latter step would largely offset the financial burden of annually pre-funding retiree health care, thus addressing a long-standing complaint by the USPS and its union。 [26 words]

该题的定位点在句末的分词状语addressing a long-standing complaint by the USPS and its union。不过这里有个和题干的区别在于,题干是被动,文章中是主动,所以前面的主句部分就是答案。这句话的主人公为The latter step,属性词为offset the financial burden。对应选项为A,removing对应offset,选项其余内容和原文原词复现。

